When your teeth are chipped, stained, or have gaps, you feel as if you have nothing to smile about. We suggest porcelain veneers as your best solution to regain your smile. Porcelain veneers are a thin porcelain piece that replaces a tooth’s enamel to provide strength and looks natural. Our porcelain veneer procedure can repair your smile by brightening and aligning your teeth, or correcting any small tooth damage. We will provide you the all information you need to beginning considering porcelain veneers to repair your smile.
Porcelain veneers are an alternative to crowns and braces and is a simpler process that only requires 1 or 2 visits. One of our highly skilled dentists will first clean the damaged tooth and determine the best shape for the veneer. Then they will remove a small portion of your tooth’s enamel to make room for the porcelain veneer. Depending on your tooth sensitivity, you may or may not be given a local anesthesia for the veneer procedure. Your dentist will then make an impression of the tooth to send to a lab for construction and place a temporary veneer for the meantime. Once your porcelain veneer is ready, your dentist will remove the temporary one and clean the tooth again. When your tooth is dry, your dentist will cement the permanent veneer onto your tooth. Your dentist will then place it under a curing light for 1 minute and make any corrections to the veneer as needed. You may suffer from sensitivity to hot or cold foods after the procedure but temperature sensitivity will pass after a few days. After the procedure is completed, you will receive information on maintain your new porcelain veneers.
Typically, porcelain veneers last from 10 to 20 years with diligent oral hygiene. You should treat your veneers as you would your natural teeth which means brushing and flossing daily. Brushing and flossing your teeth is important for the health and whiteness of your veneers. Make sure to use non-abrasive fluoride toothpaste to prevent damaging your porcelain veneers. Regular visits to your dentist will ensure your veneers are undamaged and repaired if needed. If you want to ensure the whiteness of your veneers; you can keep the beautiful, bright color by limiting stain-inducing foods and drinks. Your veneers will need to be replaced at one point after the procedure but proper oral care can help you keep them lasting longer.
Porcelain veneers act as new teeth enamel by providing a natural look and a resilience very much like natural tooth enamel. Veneers are a good solution for teeth discoloration or minor tooth problems since very little of your natural teeth is lost in the procedure. However, the process of getting porcelain veneers is a permanent procedure so make sure to talk to one of our highly qualified dentists to understand the procedure and the cost. You deserve to wear your best smile so come down to our office to discuss porcelain veneers with our team of dentists.